Thursday, May 27, 2004

My Mister Smarty Pants

Mister Mikah dude has been such a funny guy lately. Yesterday he noticed his hair was growing and looked kind of worried. He said to me, "Mommy! Its growing too long! We have to make it short again!" He's very concerned about it growing out and not looking as it did at first. I told him that we could shave it again in a couple of days. He was totally fine by this idea. I was shocked, because he doesn't like his head being shaved, and there have been times where he just cried the whole way through. He's getting better though I'm trying to make it fun for him or at least worth his while.

Another thing he's done has been playing on the computer again. He has a phonics game he likes to play, but hasn't for awhile. It actually been awhile since I've worked with him last on phonics or reading. Well he starts playing this game and I'm just sitting back watching him, and all of a sudden he's spelling words like no tomorrow! He sounds them out and then writes them as he goes. And when I asked him to spell words like 'cat' and 'dog', he was like, "oh, I knew that one forever ago" and spells it as such. I'm thinking, where does this kid get this from? I showed him the basics months ago and he's just taking it all on himself to learn it. I wish I could dig in his thoughts throughout the day to watch how he learns. I've learned somethings , such as you can't teach him what he doesn't want to know. And half of the time he doesn't want to know because it either doesn't seem fun enough or somethin. He is starting to show more and more initiative to learn how to tell time, but I think he expects too much of himself while doing it and gets easily frustrated when he can't get it right away.....Sound like someone we know? I know Scott and I struggle time to time with that concept.

Here soon I may try to get him into public school, for at least until we're done with all of the extreme changes we have coming. Plus Kindergarten is practically all about playtime and being social, plus he may learn somethings to teach me and Scott, haha! We will see though, because the cut off birthday is June 1, and his is the 12th. Not too far ahead but we'll see how picky they are.

Miss Kiwi

Where do I even begin?????????? She is speaking so much more clearer, and is starting to put sentences together. Of course the sentences you have to put together most of the time to make sense, but follow closely and you'll find what she's talking about......most of the time. She's also learning her ABC's very nicely. She knows how to count to ten most of the time, and is brilliant at counting to five. She even counts with her fingers up to five. I love it. Mikah tries to help her every now and then too. I think I'm going to get her on the computer to get her familiar with it. Mikah started younger than her, but she's just now really showing interest in it. I let her play with the mouse earlier, and she was kind of getting the hang of it. She'll get it eventually, and start playing some games and stuff. Its hard to remember sometimes she isn't going to learn like Mikah did. He picked up everything, as he wanted and still runs with it. She is patient in learning, she doesn't want to right away to show you what she learned either. Not until she is ready. It has to be her idea.

Here lately she's been wrestling with Mikah. There's been a couple of times I've heard Mikah hollering for desperate help and when I go to the back bedroom, she is on top of him, pinning him down. Then within seconds she'll act like the sweetest little girl, even batting her eyes at you, to try to fool you with her temporary innocence. I'll definitely have to keep two eyes on her. She's starting to realize that there is a real baby in my tummy. She hugged my belly yesterday and gave it a big kiss and said hi to the baby. You wanna see emotional have my little girl do that again! She takes my breath away more times in the day than you can imagine. My kids are so wonderful, even in their rotten ways.

Prayer Request

Scott's Great Grandma Hall who lives down in Arkansas is in the hospital, probably seeing her last days. She has had congestive heart failure for years, and all of what she is experiencing seems like the end stages of it too. She's lived a heck of a life. She just turned 90 years old last week, and still has her husband beside her. We've been expecting this for a little bit now. We're really concerned how her husband is going to take it. He's been hanging on mainly just for her. I'm also concerned for some family members making the long distance trips. Scott's other grandpa has made the 10 hour trip there and back twice in the last week and I know its hard on him. Please remember our family through this.

Also, my nephew just went through surgury this past tuesday. He got through okay just needed a reconstructed circumcision, but as they were trying to put the tube down his throat to intubate him, they had difficulty because his tonsils were so big. They told my sister that they would need to be removed in a couple of weeks. The poor guy is only 3 years old. Plus, he had his adenoids taken out awhile ago and the doctor said that they came back, or something. I don't understand it personally but I guess that happens sometimes. Well those will need to be taken out too, and within the next couple of months we'll find out if he needs tubes in his ears again. He also has asthma and a severe skin condition of eczema all over his body. Any prayers for this little guy could only help. Thanks.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

This is a post I tried to do last Sunday, but Blogger went capooey.

Breathing a Little Better

How refreshing. Each week we meet up with a group of people and talk with each other, share our stories, laugh, joke, cry and whatever else may come through. The children run around and play with each other, and a little baby tends to get passed around to various people. We pray for each other, and support each other. We try more and more to open our lives for each other. Every time on the way home, I just want to scream DUH! DUH DUH DUH! This is what we've been called to do, not have hi and good bye relationships, but to connect with others to learn from them and or teach them. Just to love each other. DUH! My kids can DEFINITELY tell a difference in how we 'do' or 'are' church now. I know my son enjoys it more. He's making friends, and meeting new people how he wants to. He's not told to be quiet or to stop playing because of a sermon or anything. He's able to be what he is..a kid. A silly goofy kid who thrives for friends. Who thrives for attention and love. And he's smart enough to understand that what we are doing is a better thing than before, because its meeting the needs we have.

In a Small Rut

The past six months I've been researching and really striving to learn how to do medical transcriptioning from my home. Right now I really need to ask everyone to pray about the timing. Is now the right time to start studying? We aren't too sure if we can pay for it either, but we feel that it needs to be done. We just aren't sure about the timing in it all. Please pray for discernment because I feel that this decision to wait or go through with it soon needs to be decided soon. If you have any comments or questions feel free to either comment here or e-mail me. Any help would be great. I want to be able to work from home, whether I homeschool the kids or not, so that we can be here to keep our door open if people ever need us. I think this would also help us participate in a ministry with our community as well as we would be able to travel or whatever God plans for us. Thanks for your prayers and for listening.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

My Trip

Well the past week has been interesting. While I was down in Monticello, I spent some good time with my mom and also got a little break from the kids too. Came back still in a weird mood, but a little time and prayer helped. I was hoping that was the last time I had to go to Monticello for awhile, but I found out soon enough I was wrong. I have to go for an appointment June 2 to update my insurance and to see if I still qualify. I know I will for at least the pregnancy, but maybe not for anything else. So I get to go back. Last time I stayed for about four days, and came back a little better than any other time, so I'm sure I will do the same this time. I was still tired of course, but my body was no where near as worn out. It was a nice visit with my mom. We talked a lot by ourselves and just hung out. I miss being able to do that on a regular basis. I use to go over there at least three times a week when we lived there. I still call her on the phone to chat and stuff but phone conversations can never compare to the actual visit.

My Little Punker

Yes, yes, as you can see in the background, Mikah got a haircut. This hair cut style was totally his choice. What happened was when I started shaving his head I thought he would get a kick out of a temporary mohawk, so I shaved both sides and left the middle. He looked in the mirror, and the face he had on you would have thought it was Christmas! He begged me to keep it that way and was terrified to even let me spruce it up. He was kind of right, I messed up the mohawk, but was still able to salvage the look he was going for. He loves it, my little punker. I personally think its the best freaking hair cut he's ever had! Scott was talking about even dying it, but I don't think we'll go that far.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Well this may be my last post for a little while, I have to go up to Monticello again, for a doctor's appointment, but this time I will probably stay an extra day because my mom is off work and the trip sux the life right out of me, especially always having to bring the kids with me. Today has been crazy with mood swings for me, as well as a mix with my air headed ways. I took the kids to the store, made sure they were in their car seats and all, well on my way to my last stop Kiara's car seat flipped over while I turned. It wasn't even fastened that whole time. I feel like a total ass, and thank God nothing bad happened while it was unlatched. I almost cried about it then got so mad at myself. I'm still upset about it, but I'm working on getting over it, and realizing its not my fault, and it was an accident. I always drown myself with the 'what if's', and it sucks when I do that. In the end I always pray about it and ask God to help me act so crazy with my thoughts. Its not easy with your hormones pulling and thrashing your emotions every breath. I know right now I sound, probably how I feel, but I need to get it out and be open with everyone. I bet in two minutes, one of my kids will do something outrageously silly and I'll laugh my tail off, and let go of this mood.Hahahaha. Heck I might just have them play a game with me or something. Take care everyone and thank you for listening.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


Wow. I just had an amazing experience. Yesterday I was chatting with various people when this 17 year old girl came in scared and asking a bunch of questions about being pregnant. She all of a sudden was being attacked by the other ladies in the room. So I sent her a private message to console her and to try and answer her questions. She acted like she didn't want the baby, and hadn't told her parents and didn't plan to. She was absolutely freaked out. I answered some of her questions and gave her positive outlooks on how it would be if she kept the baby and told her parents. We ended the conversation awkwardly, and I thought we may not speak again. Well she sent me a private message today and told me she is planning on keeping the baby and told her parents! She sounded totally different than yesterday. She seemed thrilled about the baby, not burdened. Now I don't know if it was actually me who helped, but I'm glad I was there to hear the story. Tonight we spoke very well, and I opened my heart to her. I know some people groan about chat rooms, and all of that, but I must say that if this is how I can minister to people and help them even have a better few minutes than they did before, then freakin awesome. I really have a kind of passion for pregnant teens, since I was once one. This is a step for me to realize this too. I lost my passions about a year ago. I even scared Scott with that thought too. I won't give up on working on my heart.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Can't Hold It In Anymore

Well, here I am . I'm having lunch and finally decided to release some stuffiness from inside. I have been trying to get started in studying medical transcription from home so I can work at home. With working from home I would have a chance to homeschool my kids and still bring in an income with out having someone else raising my kids in a daycare or public school. Don't get me wrong, putting your children in public school is okay, but I feel for my family that I should try this. Well anyways, we found out about a loan we could do through the same place I got my student loans from. So we applied and come to find out our credit wasn't good enough from hospital bills in October. Now we await to figure out if I can get another loan from somewhere else that also offers a scholarship of 20% or less. They said that they were a little more lenient than the first place we tried, so I am hoping they were right. In the mean time I am teaching myself how to type. I had a chance in high school to learn but just slacked off most of the time. I'm doing pretty good. I basically know where all of the keys are, but now I can't let myself look. I need to try and bring my speed and accuracy up to 70 WPM. So while I am on hold, I learn this.

I must be honest. When I first heard I was denied, it seemed that the final door was slammed on my face. I know this needs to get done soon, and I've been told that
God opens and closes doors to show you his guidance. I am not so sure I believe this is always so. All I know is I have one of the strongest desires to do this and get it done. To quit isn't an option for me. That would feel as if I gave up on my family. We will find a way soon enough. I just hope that I can start working before the lease is up. Please pray that I don't let worry overcome me. It isn't easy. Especially with the new changes that are coming left and right.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Happy Mommy's Day!

Weird. Blogger has definitely made some changes. Still not sure if they are good or not. Today was a good day. It started with Scott making me some french toast, then soaked in the tub before church. We all took our time getting ready so there wasn't any aggravation, which I believe is a first for us. We had a good morning ; the kids played outside while the adults talked and hung out. Went out to eat at a very tasty mexican restaurant, then home to relax. After Scott went to work the kids and I drove to a near by playground where they played for about an hour. Now I'm ready to pass out and crash on the bed. Well Happy Mommy's Day to everyone. I hope everyone enjoyed their day. Take care.