This is a post I tried to do last Sunday, but Blogger went capooey.
Breathing a Little Better
How refreshing. Each week we meet up with a group of people and talk with each other, share our stories, laugh, joke, cry and whatever else may come through. The children run around and play with each other, and a little baby tends to get passed around to various people. We pray for each other, and support each other. We try more and more to open our lives for each other. Every time on the way home, I just want to scream DUH! DUH DUH DUH! This is what we've been called to do, not have hi and good bye relationships, but to connect with others to learn from them and or teach them. Just to love each other. DUH! My kids can DEFINITELY tell a difference in how we 'do' or 'are' church now. I know my son enjoys it more. He's making friends, and meeting new people how he wants to. He's not told to be quiet or to stop playing because of a sermon or anything. He's able to be what he is..a kid. A silly goofy kid who thrives for friends. Who thrives for attention and love. And he's smart enough to understand that what we are doing is a better thing than before, because its meeting the needs we have.
In a Small Rut
The past six months I've been researching and really striving to learn how to do medical transcriptioning from my home. Right now I really need to ask everyone to pray about the timing. Is now the right time to start studying? We aren't too sure if we can pay for it either, but we feel that it needs to be done. We just aren't sure about the timing in it all. Please pray for discernment because I feel that this decision to wait or go through with it soon needs to be decided soon. If you have any comments or questions feel free to either comment here or e-mail me. Any help would be great. I want to be able to work from home, whether I homeschool the kids or not, so that we can be here to keep our door open if people ever need us. I think this would also help us participate in a ministry with our community as well as we would be able to travel or whatever God plans for us. Thanks for your prayers and for listening.
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