My Mister Smarty Pants
Mister Mikah dude has been such a funny guy lately. Yesterday he noticed his hair was growing and looked kind of worried. He said to me, "Mommy! Its growing too long! We have to make it short again!" He's very concerned about it growing out and not looking as it did at first. I told him that we could shave it again in a couple of days. He was totally fine by this idea. I was shocked, because he doesn't like his head being shaved, and there have been times where he just cried the whole way through. He's getting better though I'm trying to make it fun for him or at least worth his while.
Another thing he's done has been playing on the computer again. He has a phonics game he likes to play, but hasn't for awhile. It actually been awhile since I've worked with him last on phonics or reading. Well he starts playing this game and I'm just sitting back watching him, and all of a sudden he's spelling words like no tomorrow! He sounds them out and then writes them as he goes. And when I asked him to spell words like 'cat' and 'dog', he was like, "oh, I knew that one forever ago" and spells it as such. I'm thinking, where does this kid get this from? I showed him the basics months ago and he's just taking it all on himself to learn it. I wish I could dig in his thoughts throughout the day to watch how he learns. I've learned somethings , such as you can't teach him what he doesn't want to know. And half of the time he doesn't want to know because it either doesn't seem fun enough or somethin. He is starting to show more and more initiative to learn how to tell time, but I think he expects too much of himself while doing it and gets easily frustrated when he can't get it right away.....Sound like someone we know? I know Scott and I struggle time to time with that concept.
Here soon I may try to get him into public school, for at least until we're done with all of the extreme changes we have coming. Plus Kindergarten is practically all about playtime and being social, plus he may learn somethings to teach me and Scott, haha! We will see though, because the cut off birthday is June 1, and his is the 12th. Not too far ahead but we'll see how picky they are.
Miss Kiwi
Where do I even begin?????????? She is speaking so much more clearer, and is starting to put sentences together. Of course the sentences you have to put together most of the time to make sense, but follow closely and you'll find what she's talking about......most of the time. She's also learning her ABC's very nicely. She knows how to count to ten most of the time, and is brilliant at counting to five. She even counts with her fingers up to five. I love it. Mikah tries to help her every now and then too. I think I'm going to get her on the computer to get her familiar with it. Mikah started younger than her, but she's just now really showing interest in it. I let her play with the mouse earlier, and she was kind of getting the hang of it. She'll get it eventually, and start playing some games and stuff. Its hard to remember sometimes she isn't going to learn like Mikah did. He picked up everything, as he wanted and still runs with it. She is patient in learning, she doesn't want to right away to show you what she learned either. Not until she is ready. It has to be her idea.
Here lately she's been wrestling with Mikah. There's been a couple of times I've heard Mikah hollering for desperate help and when I go to the back bedroom, she is on top of him, pinning him down. Then within seconds she'll act like the sweetest little girl, even batting her eyes at you, to try to fool you with her temporary innocence. I'll definitely have to keep two eyes on her. She's starting to realize that there is a real baby in my tummy. She hugged my belly yesterday and gave it a big kiss and said hi to the baby. You wanna see emotional have my little girl do that again! She takes my breath away more times in the day than you can imagine. My kids are so wonderful, even in their rotten ways.
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