Thursday, April 22, 2004

I must say right now my journeu or crash course ( both sound accurate) is really starting to feel lonely. I mean, I was feeling that way before, but its really hitting me now. What also doesn't help is that my hormones are taking over my emotions. Today so far has been a weepy day for me. Just feel alone, and so distant from people. I hope I can over come this, it's starting to drive me nuts. Its like I'm acquainted with people, but that's all. Just acquainted. I guess now I'm scared to push myself into someone's life. Never have I felt this way before. I've always had friends and people to connect with, but these past two years of trying to go with this journey has been so empty. I guess its time to break this shell my old church formed around me. Of course maybe my hormones are speaking for me right now.