Thursday, February 05, 2004

To Cloth or Not to Cloth, That is the Question

I have been trying to plan some things for when the baby comes, and I've traveled across a couple of concerns. We were talking about trying cloth diapers for this baby, but as I'm doing my research I'm finding myself discouraged about it. I know I should be thinking about the well being of our environment and should be all for it, but even with all of the positive and negative research I have done, I don't think cloth diapers will be such a good idea. I'm going to be terribly busy with the two kids we have, as well as the never ending attention with the baby, ( these parts are just awesome and I couldn't live without!), plus I'm going to either be doing schooling for medical transcription or doing it by then at home, while trying to keep up the house, what little I may be able to do by myself. I know I won't be doing this by myself, but most of the time Scott will be at work, while I'm at home with the kidlings. Anyways, I've tried asking some family members who have tried cloth diapers, and I've heard nothing but complaints, and how much more a burden they are, than any good side of it. Yes they save money and are good for the environment, but right now the cons outweigh the pros.

What I'm asking from everyone out there is not only the positive sides of cloth diapers, but how to deal. Cause right now I'm really leaning against cloth diapers. If anyone could give me some tips and such it would be helpful towards my decision. I know Scott wants me to try them, but I need some help. I appreciate it!