Non-stress test Full of Stress
My doctor sent me yesterday to get a non-stress test done to see if the cramping I've been having are contractions and to also make sure the baby's heart rate was okay. I didn't really cramp during it, but everything looked fine. It defintely put me and Scott through some trying thoughts. I'm not so sure Scott was satisfied by the findings, I know he's still pretty worried. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm glad there weren't any contractions , but I wish I had cramped while I was in there. Just so we could possibly see what it was. I'm sure we're just paranoid, and everything is fine, but its hard to feel assured that this pregnancy is going to go okay. All I can do is pray my guts out about it, and hope God agrees. Please pray for us and especially Scott. He's got so much extra on his mind that he's never had to deal with before and I'm worried about him. Just pray for peace of mind and contentment.
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