Reaching the Other Side of the Fishing Pole
We got a chance to finally meet Bill Bean and his wife and kids. We also got the chance of meeting Jim and Syndie and their adorable children. We ate breakfast, talked, prayed and cried. Awesome. Perfect. It was so perfect that it was imperfect. The kids played so well together, and so did the adults. I'm so glad we're finally here, making relationships. This is all we needed. I told my sister what we did, and she was like, " You call that church? I thought you were suppose to have service and offering and all that singing and stuff. " I said, " No, you don't need that to have church. " She thought our way of church sounded better. My family isn't big on the whole church scene. It makes them uncomfortable and anxious in odd ways. I was there before. Heck, I was there the last time I was in a "church" service. I've NEVER walked out of church before today feeling as though I was totally surrounded by God. Don't take that the wrong way, God is everywhere I am, but to feel him during and after by just talking and sharing is phenominal. It just kills me so many people just don't get it. I'm so glad Scott stumbled and fell into this path, though it was messy and even revolting at times, God knew what he was doing. He knew what we needed. He provided. All we had to do was be patient. I say that as though its suppose to be easy. Being patient. Be patient. It takes a lot of practice. I do it every day with the kids, and am learning how with my husband, ( Which I must say is one of the hardest things I have ever done!----> luv ya babe!) I finally feel my journey has had a wind change.
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