I wish I could write something more positive
I find myself writing this, because I have nothing else really to do. We had a good visit with Scott's grandparents, but at the end of it I started to have some pain in my hips. We came home and I laid down and fell asleep with the kids. I just woke up a half an hour ago with severe pain in my hips, back and legs, and with nausea. I know eventually, I'll just get used to the pain, but it is always dreadful when it starts. And maybe it'll go away, but it just keeps getting worse, and my body doesn't do well with gravity I guess. All of my joints just feel as though they have been grinded down to where there is only bone rubbing when I walk. I could go to a doctor and see if I could get something for the pain, but then I can't really function at home with the kids, and would be taking something that isn't good for the baby. Not really much else of a solution, so I guess I can ride this wave out.
Everyone is sleeping. Scott is sleeping on the couch. My brother asked me why, as if we were fighting or having a spat. I told him no, we weren't fighting, and I don't really know why he is out there. Just the place he landed tonight I guess.
Tomorrow we will spend Easter as a family. We can figure something out. I would like to kill the computer and have some true family time tomorrow. May be a bit much to ask, but one can hope. I hope tomorrow is a good day.
The pain is getting worse. I have got to lay down, or something. Please pray for energy and some relief when Scott is at work. I can never sleep much like this. I love you all, and hope you have a Happy Easter.
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