Prego Test = +
Wow. Weird. Cool. No----->FREAKING AWESOME! I was worried when I first saw the signs of pregnancy, but after I talked with someone at the medical office, I felt better. I went with not really the question: "Am I pregnant again?", cause I already knew. Every symptom was back. No, I went with the question: Am I now at a high risk because it is so close to my last pregnancy? Do I have to do anything extra to cushion that risk from happening?" But I was reassured that since I have had two successful pregnancies in the past with two beautiful kids from them, that it shouldn't play too much as a factor in this pregnancy. Hey, at least we didn't go through six pregnancy tests this time. Scott's first reaction was, " Oh , really?" then a pause of a couple of seconds....:"Wow! That's cool!"
Right now I have a cold thing that is haunting me. My head feels as though it will fall of due to heaviness. Scott's been taking care of me. I feel like such a wimp. I can't do much without letting out one of those sorry for me moans. I've been mixing my spearmint and my peppermint teas together. YUMMY! I can't take I could when not being prego, but I guess I can deal for now.
My sister is gone. Gone to Arkansas to sell houses, and lots. It's very strange going to my mother's and my mom being relaxed when she cleans. I hope Arkansas will help her. SHe's been having health problems the past few years and it keeps her from work a lot. She's tried school, same thing. I hope this will help her.
My son the other day was just playing around then stopped what he was doing, sat down then said, "Oh, man! I need to get some Sonic know-how!" Had me rolling. Where does this guy get this stuff? He's definitely a Sonic and tails fan. He always says he wants fast Sonic shoes. We'll see what santa may have in for x-mas.
My stepmother is from Czech Rebublic, and she grew up not learning too much about Santa. What she was taught was that while everyone was eating dinner, jesus would come in and put presents under the tree, then leave. I think its interesting.
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