Just another day, yet a fairy tale compared to Scott's and my every day routine . We actually went out on a date type thingy together. Very good thing. We haven't done this for months. And finally we weren't aggravated with each other's breathing, or scoffing or the tone we had when we talked. We spoiled ourselves by going out to eat and just enjoying each other's opinions on everything that has yet to pass. We need this more often....at least once a month whether we can afford it or not.
I'm really thinking about finding another job. I'm so sick of the people at my own job right now that I am really tempted to never go back. I don't know what to do. It makes me so depressed, as well as stressed out because of their ways of trying to be organized makes them more unorganized. I would love to just babysit at home, but its not my home its someone else's and it's not really my decision....Frustration build-up. I really need some prayer on this. This type of thing really sucks right now. We'll figure it out soon enough. God will provide one way or another.
I really need to go to the doctor, but I found out that I need to pay my previous bills before going again. Don't have the money, so just have to wait even longer. This sucks, but gotta do what you gotta do.
My hubby has been really great to me today. He's just a wonderful guy, I wish I had more time with him when we are both awake. We'll get there. Maybe soon if I get my wish. I was telling Scott that we should just go to Texas and stay..... of course this will only happen if it is what God desires. We need to get out of here--the way things are with church and all, we just need a new way of wakening our spiritual lives.
Well, best be gone, gotta go clean. fun!
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