I've been very intolerable of my surroundings here lately. The place is cluttered wall to wall with a bunch of stuff that doesn't belong to me. I try and try to clean, but by the time I am done, it still doesn't look clean. Stuff is still everywhere, and I can't seem to get comfortable like that. Finally today. I vented to God about the whole thing. After praying, I finally came to what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me. I got up, and decided that I was going to turn my bedroom into a get away. A place where there is little to no clutter. A place where I can go after cleaning, and just RELAX. This relaxing thing isn't easy for me. Not at all. There's always something to do. Even if I sit down, doesn't mean I'm relaxed. I always have something working hard, whether I like it or not. I also realized that when I can't change what is bothering me, then change myself.
Did I just say that?
Change. It's easy to say, but how can you change into something that you are totally unfamiliar with? I don't know which direction to go with this one. Hopefully I will get myself in gear and dig into God a little more and figure it out.
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