Yay! So far it looks as though I get the time off I need to go to Texas in October! I've asked for the 1-7 off, so that we have 5 whole days there. 3 for Cairn, and two for job/apartment hunting!!!!! Rock on! I've also just found out yesterday that I have six whole days off in a row! This is awesome. i get to have my garage sale this weekend, and spend lots of time with my family. Scott was a little down cause we haven't seen much of each other in the past four days with him working now, but I reminded him of what our goal was. he's just tired of having to be ready to go by 4am, YUCK! But hey we are more than capable, God-willing.
I'm also getting very excited to see what is to come in the next few months. God definitely has something up His sleeve in the lives of a lot of people I know. My family is going through trials left and right and one day when I was starting to get down about it, God placed this thought in my mind: How is this going to make this person stronger? How is this going to prepare this family for my will? How is this going to benefit them later? ; I can't wait! So many things so little time in one big family! Well, I've got to go to work now, I love you all!!!!!!
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